If you’re a single mom and you’re ready to jump back into the dating pool, then keep on reading. It can be quite difficult to get back into dating once you’ve had a child since many women think that guys won’t be interested. However, this isn’t the case and in this article, we will be looking at a few tips and guidelines to help you start dating successfully once again.
Now, the first thing that you should do before you start dating is to make sure that you have the time to do so. This means that it is best not to re-start dating if your child is quite young and you don’t have any spare time. Dating and relationships need lots of time and space in order to flourish, so you must have that time available to pursue one. Of course, there are many ways that you can make time such as by getting a trusted friend or family member to baby sit or hiring a service.
Next, you also need to make sure that you are personally ready for another relationship. Many women lose their sense of self confidence after having a child since they don’t view themselves and their bodies as being attractive to men. This is simply not true since having a child is the utmost expression of being a woman. Sure, your body may not be perfect and might have a few extra stretch marks, but this only makes you more beautiful. There are many ways that you can increase your self-confidence, but if you decided to re-start dating, you should definitely address any low self confidence issues you may have. This will prevent you from attracting the wrong type of guy or getting into a bad relationship.
A third dating tip is that you should never settle for the first guy that is interested in you. Many single mothers start a relationship with the first guy that they date and is interested in them. This may be due to the fact that many single mother’s think that they are lucky to find a guy. However, you need to understand your worth and that any guy would be extremely lucky to have you! You should never compromise on your standards especially when you have a child that is looking at everything you say and do.
This leads to my next point where you should always put your child or children first over any guy in your life. Your children are your responsibility and are completely dependent on you. Therefore, you should always put them first and let any guy that enters your life know this. The right man will have no problem with this and encourage you to put your child or children first. A guy that has an issue with that should definitely not be considered as dating or relationship material.
Next, when you start dating, it is also important that you let the guy know up front that you have a child or children. This is important because you don’t want to seem as though you’re hiding them or are ashamed of having children. Sure, this may be a turn off for some guys, but those would be the wrong type of guys in any case. You want a guy who is open to children, loves kids and has no problem with the idea of joining and becoming a part of your family. These guys may seem rare but they are definitely out there.
Lastly, it is essential that you think about your reasons for wanting to get into another relationship or start back dating. Unfortunately, many single mothers often start dating because they want a man to financially support them and their children. This is quite unfortunate and you should definitely avoid this type of thinking. Your children are your responsibility and you should always strive to be able to financially and emotionally take care of yourself and your children. Getting into a relationship just for money is a quick road to stress and an unbalanced relationship that is certainly not a good example for your children.
In conclusion, we have just looked at some of the top dating tips for single mothers. Once you follow the above guidelines, we are certain that you will find a great guy in no time…
P.S – we also added one video below from YouTube of a single mom that shares her dating tips and advice. It is not “amazing” but it contains some info that you may find useful… Have a great day!