Pros And Cons Of Anabolic Diet

anabolic dietIf you are following an anabolic diet, you will be switching your diet plans on the weekdays and weekends. Your diet will have around 60% fat, 30% protein and less than 25% carbohydrates for the weekdays. In other words, during the weekdays, you shouldn’t consume more than 30 g of carbs each day.

During the weekends, you will have to follow a different formula with your diet containing around 65% carbohydrates, 15 to 20% fat and 15% protein. In other words, you need to consume up to 8 g of carbohydrates per pound of your body weight. Like all other diets, there are also certain pros and cons of anabolic diet and here’s a list of some of the major pros and cons of this diet.

Pros of Anabolic Diet

One of the biggest advantages of anabolic diet is that it offers a lot of variation and it’s great for those individuals who want to switch things up every few days. Your diet plan will keep changing every five days and you won’t be bored with the same eating plan. Also, this diet has three different phases including start-up, mass and cutting.

The start-up phase has been specially designed for losing fat and building muscle. Experts recommend sticking to this phase for around four weeks. Once the metabolism of your body has shifted, you will need to get to the mass and cutting phases. It’s important to keep in mind that during all the phases, your weekdays will have low carbohydrate diet and you will have high carbohydrate diet on the weekends. This not only prevents your meal plan from getting boring but also helps you stick to the diet.

Another big advantage of this diet is that it allows you to enjoy weekends with your friends and family. Most people spend time with friends and family members on the weekends and the anabolic diet does not prevent you from eating all kinds of food during the weekends as weekends are typically carbohydrate high.

You get to increase muscle mass with the help of this diet without taking any additional drugs or chemicals. This diet has proven to naturally maximize the production of insulin, growth hormone and testosterone in the body which helps in increasing strength and endurance naturally.

Cons of Anabolic Diet

One of the major side effects of a diet low in carbohydrates is that you will suffer from fatigue, lack of energy and headaches while your body makes adjustments and shifts from burning carbohydrates to fat for energy. The first week of this diet is going to be worse and you may experience fatigue and mental fogginess.

This diet is deficient in carbohydrates during the weekdays but you get to include a lot of carbohydrates in your diet on the weekends. However, it is important that you do not eat too many carbohydrates or you risk making yourself sick. Therefore, it is important that you consume carbohydrates in limited quantity on the weekends to figure out the normal response of your body to this particular diet.

As far as the risks associated with this and other types of diet that are low in carbohydrates is concerned, it is not very clear. It has been observed that low carbohydrate diets are not good for the liver and kidneys. Also, fat substitutes carbohydrates in these type of diets which can have a negative effect on your digestive tract and heart. Therefore, you should stay away from this diet in case you have any kind of heart, liver or kidney problems.

Overall, this diet has proven to be extremely helpful for many people, but it is not meant for everyone. So, it’s important that you discuss the pros and cons of this diet with your healthcare provider before going on this diet to make sure that it is safe for you and won’t have any permanent bad effects on your health.

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