The “Secret Death Touches” Program – Our Full Review

Ebook by:
by Robert Lawrence

Reviewed by:
On June 25, 2015
Last modified:January 8, 2025


An independent review of the Secret Death Touches program by Robert Lawrence that includes an overview of this self-defense system and useful details about its pros and cons.

Secret Death TouchesHi there and welcome to our review about “Secret Death Touches” by Robert Lawrence.

Like always, this review will be broken into three main parts:

1. The basics section which will help you to fully understand what Secret Death Touches is all about.

2. The section about the pros and cons of Secret Death Touches that covers some of the primary pros and cons of this program.

3. The conclusions section where we share our final thoughts and feelings regarding Robert Lawrence’s system…

Let’s start!

The Basics

“Secret Death Touches” is a self-defense program that was created by Robert Lawrence, a former U.S. marine. The program focuses on 11 techniques that are powerful enough to get you out of any situation, no matter how bad it is, as they can cripple, immobilize or eventually kill your attacker.

Robert Lawrence confessed he felt the desire to get martial arts training just after he and his grandchild were attacked by two armed guys in a toy store parking lot. In his desire of becoming invincible, he went to China to train with Master Li, an old martial arts professional who claimed of killing Bruce Lee with his secret and forbidden “one-touch lethal move”.

Robert explains that the self-defense techniques he learnt from Master Li are based on the same principle as acupuncture. In acupuncture, a needle gets inserted in specific pressure points in the body, resulting in correcting the energy imbalances and restoring the health and well-being of the individual. Similarly, death touches are based on the same concept, but the difference is that the pressure force applied onto the body is meant to annihilate or immobilize instead of healing.

In simple words, the Secret Death Touches program reveals all the knowledge Robert Lawrence learned from Li, and in a nutshell, this is what you can expect to find inside:

A detailed video of all the “death touches” that will help you to understand how to execute them correctly.

An explanatory guide that shows you how exactly each of these moves works.

The step-by-step instructions for using the “one-touch” technique that has the power of immobilizing anyone almost instantly.

24 additional self-defense techniques used by Master Li.

Information on the biggest mistake most people make when facing an armed assailant.

Tips on how to use your fingers to defeat any attacker almost instantly.

Two extremely dangerous self-defense techniques you should only use when in immediate danger. The first technique is going to trouble the regular heart rhythm, while the second is going to cause organ failure.

Discussion on why you should never use your fist in a combat.

The secret pressure point on your enemy’s body you can tap to send him straight into the hospital without even touching his nose.

A special technique to help you break the sinus membrane of your attacker.

Advice on where to hit an attacker that corners you or puts a knife to your throat.

Details on a fast move that enables you to safely neutralize any attacker.

A simple, two-finger move that’s going to make your attacker kneel with excruciating pain.

What to do in case of facing several attackers.

The one thing you have to refrain from doing when menaced with a gun on your face, and much more…

Click On This Link For More Details About The Secret Death Touches Program And The Main Topics That Robert Lawrence Covers Inside!

The Pros And Cons


The Pros


Better Protection For Yourself And For Your Family

We live in an age where robbery, sexual attacks and other forms of violence are common. Unfortunately, they can happen to anyone, at any given time. That’s why it’s a good idea to be prepared to effectively counteract such attacks, should they happen to you.

If you don’t have the time and financial resources to take martial arts classes, you can go for these proven death moves and gain the ability to defend yourself when needed.

Suitable Even For Most Beginners

You can master the death touches described by Robert Lawrence without the need of prior training in martial arts. You don’t need powerful muscles, either. All you have to do is follow the instructions in the guide, and thanks to the detailed step-by-step video, learning how to execute these moves correctly is very easy.

Not Necessarily Lethal

Killing someone can be very hard, even if we talk about attackers that threaten your life. The good thing about the Secret Death Touches system is that it allows you to control the force you apply, so that you can only immobilize or cripple the attacker and save your life, rather than killing him.

Inexpensive And Practical

Of course, it’s great to be able to take Tae Kwon Do, karate, and Kung Fu classes. Nonetheless, a quick research online reveals the ugly truth: they don’t come cheap at all. The average monthly costs for learning and practicing such techniques can be between $75 and $150 per month. Considering that you can’t become a master in one month, you can see you need a relatively high investment of time and money in order to learn martial arts.

One of the best things about the Secret Death Touches program is that it can be yours for a one-time very reasonable fee. Besides, you have the advantage of being able to learn your moves at your own pace, and when you can find the time for it.

The 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

If the program works for you, that’s great! You are going to be happy. However, what if you can’t master those death moves, no matter what?

Robert Lawrence explains that he allows you to take the Secret Death Touches program for a test drive during the first 60 days after your purchase. If you feel it’s not right for you, then Robert says you can always take advantage of the full refund guarantee he offers and to get your money back…


The Cons


It Still Needs Commitment From Your Side

You can’t just buy the guide, skim through the information inside and consider yourself safe. You need time and commitment to actually study and train yourself. You have to practice the death touches in order to make them work in any situation, and to bear in mind that you won’t have a personal trainer near you.

Digital Product Only

“Secret Death Touches” is available as an instant download and all the material that Robert Lawrence offers inside the package is available in the “members only” area of the website. If you don’t have Internet access at home, or if you don’t like reading eBooks, this program may not be for you…

Our Conclusions

As with any other self-defense program, “Secret Death Touches” has its pros and cons, and it may not be the right choice for everyone. Having said that, we believe that the fact that Robert Lawrence offers a 100% refund policy and gives you full access to his program for 60 days is a very fair offer from him that allows you to try everything without any risk…

Personally, we really like that the Secret Death Touches program is suitable even for most beginners and you absolutely don’t need prior training in martial arts in order to benefit from it. In addition, the fact that it is an inexpensive and practical program that allows you to control the force you apply is another big plus in our opinion.

All in all, we will recommend anyone that is trying to learn how to cripple, immobilize or even kill an attacker by using powerful ancient techniques, to give the Secret Death Touches program a try. After all, if you won’t be able to master the techniques and moves taught inside the program, or won’t be happy with your purchase for any other reason, then you can simply ask Robert Lawrence for a full refund…

Click Here To Get Instant Access To The Secret Death Touches Program With All The Bonuses Now!


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