Hi buddy and welcome to our review about SpecForce Alpha by Todd Lamb.
As always, this review will be broken into 3 main sections:
1. The basics section which will help you to learn what SpecForce Alpha is all about.
2. The section about the pros and cons of SpecForce Alpha which covers several of the main pros and cons of this system.
3. The conclusions section about SpecForce Alpha that sum up our thoughts on this tactical workout program.
The Basics
The SpecForce Alpha program was created and written by the qualified tactical fitness specialist and SWAT Leader Todd Lamb. In his fitness program, Todd Lamb reveals some little known secrets used by special-operatives in service today. These special techniques help spec ops to cut down on body fat defining their muscles and sculpting their physique, and Todd Lamb explains that all of the methods described in his SpecForce Alpha system require no special equipment to complete.
To summarize the most important features of Todd Lamb’s SpecForce Alpha program, here is an overview that will give you a better idea of what to expect:
- You will get a guide that describes special workouts which will enable you to burn fat rapidly as well as stimulate the production of growth hormones.
- The “Macronutrient Profile” will give you the precise specifications on which foods are going to help you and when is the optimal time to consume them to maintain desired levels of testosterone.
- The “Target Focused Muscle” provides a Step-by-step guide on executing some vital body weight techniques to give your muscles that sleek ripped look.
- A weekly program of specialized exercises and carefully developed routines is provided to give you the alpha male physique you need.
- You will find 2 Mindset and “Focusing” techniques that gives you the vitally important inner transformation to make you feel and believe that you are the alpha male.
- The understanding that improving the physique and gaining strength does not require giving up pizza and other delicious foods; actually you can continue drinking your favorite alcoholic beverages, according to Todd Lamb.
- You will also get in depth video coaching that will help you make sure you are getting the most from your routine and executing the exercises properly, and much more…
In addition to all the standard features of Todd Lamb’s SpecForce Alpha system, the creator has also included some useful bonuses inside the package. These bonuses are the following:
1st Bonus: 7 Day Testosterone Solution Guide
This guide will give you information on a particular vegetable that is great for lowering your estrogen levels and increasing your levels of testosterone naturally. You will also get additional information on seafood with masculinity-boosting capability, a testosterone increasing food supplement, a healthy post-workout drink, and more.
2nd Bonus: Black Ops MacroFlex Diet Mobile App
This mobile app will act as your own private food advisor, constantly letting you know what foods are helping your efforts or stopping them. You can also use the app’s built-in logbook to keep a record of your daily diet.
3rd Bonus: The Alpha-Status Handbook
Inside this handy guidebook to virility are all the tips and tricks you need to know on making yourself more appealing. For example, you will learn which posture women find attractive and which conversation techniques are the smoothest…
The Pros And Cons
The Pros
No Need To Purchase Equipment
Because SpecForce Alpha uses your strength pitted against your body weight to provide the tension necessary for dynamic workouts that will eliminate fats and build muscle, there is no need to purchase any additional workout equipment.
And because the routine is equipment free you can simply follow the program wherever you would like. All you need to know and read is laid out in a convenient easy to read blueprint.
No Demands Of A Strict Dieting Regime
This is probably the best thing about SpecForce Alpha. When working through the exercise program there is really no need to give up any of the foods you enjoy, as long as you can find them on the extensive list in the “Macronutrient Profile”.
Written And Created By An Authority On The Subject
SpecForce Alpha is not merely another “military style” fitness routine slapped together by a jumpy trainer wanting to make a buck. This unique program was designed after the fitness requirements that Todd Lamb himself experienced in his career as a Swat leader and a certified tactical fitness expert.
Goes Deep To Transform You into An Alpha Male
One of the features that make the SpecForce Alpha program so effective is that it initiates a change from the place it really counts. Todd Lamb explains that in order to complete the transformation from the mediocre to the alpha male it is more important to change the mindsets we have gotten accustomed to.
In order to exude an aura of power and respect on those around you it is first necessary to believe in yourself. This is the reason behind the 2 mindset focus and shifting techniques which will help you begin the change where it matters the most.
Not Only For Pre-Conditioned Athletes
Unlike other intense muscle building exercise programs that require you to be at a certain level of fitness in order to commence training, the SpecForce Alpha system basically only requires minimum starting fitness level and a real desire to commit. That makes SpecForce Alpha an appropriate choice for most men out there with an average level of fitness.
Todd Lamb Offers Full Money Back Guarantee
The SpecForce Alpha system comes with a complete money back guarantee for two months and Todd Lamb explains that if you won’t find his program helpful for you then you can simply get all your money back by emailing to his customer support team.
This decent guarantee by Todd Lamb allows you to try his system with full confidence…
The Cons
Commitment To The Program Is Required
One of the most common reasons that people never achieve their goals is that they lack the fortitude to continue when things feel tough. SpecForce Alpha is not a simple “work off the weight you put on over the holidays routine”, but more like adopting a lifestyle. In simple words, if you are not serious about this program then don’t expect to get any results.
Only Available As A Digital Product
Once you have made your payment for SpecForce Alpha you will be given access to the official website where you can download the modules and documents listed above. These documents are only available in digital format, and that may pose a problem for people with limited internet access or those who prefer hard copy versions.
Also, a Smartphone or tablet is required in order to access the Black Ops MacroFlex Diet App, so if you don’t have one then you will not be able to fully take advantage of this system…
Our Conclusions
As with any other tactical workout program, SpecForce Alpha has its own pluses and minuses, and it is absolutely not a perfect fitness program. Having said that, we must admit that this system really impressed us and the fact that Todd Lamb offers a full refund policy lets you take it to a “test drive” without any risk. This is a very important advantage and a very generous offer from Todd Lamb in our opinion…
Personally, we really like that in order to follow the SpecForce Alpha system there is no need to purchase special equipment or to follow a strict diet regime. In addition, the facts that this system was created by an authority on the subject and that it requires only minimum starting fitness level are other great advantages that most men will appreciate.
All in all, we will recommend any guy which is looking for a complete tactical workout program that was designed by a real expert to give SpecForce Alpha a try. After all, if you won’t be pleased with what Todd Lamb teaches or with the results of his system, you can always take advantage of his decent money back guarantee within 60 days…
Click Here To Get Instant Access To The SpecForce Alpha System With All The Bonus Items Now!